FOCUS 2021 Medical Congress
November 19th, 2020
The meeting in onco-urology of this end of year will take place on May 20 and 21, 2021 in Toulouse.
For this 3rd edition the congress will be held under the colors of Italy: FOCUS 2020 meets Italy!
During 2 days, international experts, urologists, radiotherapists, oncologists and pathologists will intervene and answer your questions on innovative topics, dealing with prostate, bladder, kidney and external genitals cancers.
- Can therapeutic de-escalation be proposed in testicular tumors and retroperitoneal sarcomas?
- What is the role of MRI and genomics in prostate cancers? How to improve the functional results of prostatectomy? What place for post-operative radiotherapy?
- How to manage residual disease after prostate and bladder cancer surgery? How to treat histological variants?
- Are hormone-sensitive or castration-resistant prostate cancers really two separate entities? What about new developments in immunotherapy? What about the management of oligo-metastatic diseases?
A meeting to share your expertise and exchange on your daily practices.
See you on May 20 and 21, 2021, Espaces Vanel in Toulouse!